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Underwater Inspections, In-Water Surveys & UWILDs

Underwater Inspections

Thai Subsea offers world-class underwater inspections, an obvious choice for ship services in Thailand.

Subsea inspections serve as a fantastic tool for collecting valuable information regarding the current condition and seaworthiness of your vessel. 

Our certified diver inspectors utilize high-definition cameras to perform still photography and customized Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) systems with built-in diver communications from when real-time footage and diver commentary are required.  

Our primary inspection services are:

Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Dry-Docking (UWILD)

Also known as Bottom Surveys, General Visual Inspections, In-Water-Survey, etc., are an acceptable alternative to the conventional dry-docking methodology. This allows divers to conduct inspections during normal vessel cargo operations, drastically reducing or even eliminating vessel downtime, additional travel, and expensive dry-docking costs.

Our company is approved by the major International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) to conduct these inspections on all ship types, including Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU) such as jack-up rigs and semi-submersible oil platforms.

  • Class NK – Approved In-Water Survey Provider
  • DNV – Approved In-Water Survey Provider
  • ABS – Approved In-Water Survey Provider
  • BV – Approved In-Water Survey Provider
  • Lloyd’s Register – Approved In-Water Survey Provider
  • KR – Approved In-Water Survey Provider
  • RINA – Approved In-Water Survey Provider

Our other inspection services include:

Sale and Purchase Inspections

Coating and Fouling Assessments

Post-Grounding and Collision Surveys

Biofouling & Marine Growth Assessments


Marine Warranty Surveys

Non-Destructive Testing

Damage Profiling

Pre-Docking Surveys


We are a full-service diving company. After all data is collected from the inspection, our trained staff will analyze the findings, issue a report, and then provide you with the best possible recommendation, solution, or on-site repairs.

We at Thai Subsea Services are constantly offering reliable and competitive underwater hull inspection services to all of our clients.