Routine ship maintenance remains a crucial component of modern-day shipping. It not only plays a significant role in enhancing vessel efficiency and longevity, but it also promotes anomaly detection and pollution reduction. All of which contribute to maximizing returns while keeping personnel and the environment safe.
Fuel consumption constitutes the largest operating costs for modern vessels today, making hull cleanliness and efficiency an absolute top priority for ship owners and operators.
Even mere millimetres of marine growth build-up can end up adding thousands of dollars of wasted fuel consumption and extra tonnes of pollution emissions.
We at TSS pride ourselves on providing quick but thorough hull cleanings with minimal coating loss. We are committed to “protect your coating” using the state-of-the-art Piccard™ Triple Head Brush Kart with a combination of specially chosen brushes to suit your vessel’s needs.
We are the only company in the nation that utilizes original, name-brand hull cleaning equipment.
To ensure fuel costs remain as low and vessel performance remains high, frequent propeller polishings are an essential part of your ship’s underwater maintenance plan.
We at TSS execute high quality, multi-level propeller polishing procedures obtaining Rubert “A” smoothness levels with every polish.
Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Dry-Docking (UWILD) or In-Water-Survey (IWS) is an accepted alternative to the conventional dry-docking methodology. This allows divers to conduct inspections during normal vessel cargo operations, drastically reducing vessel downtime, wasted travel, and expensive dry-docking costs.
Our company is approved by the major International Association Classification Societies (IACS) to conduct these inspections on all ship types, including Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU) like jack-up rigs and semi-submersible oil and gas platforms.
Ships are our specialty! We are more than capable of handling wide ranges of ship repairs, from routine work to more technical solutions. So, whatever your needs or budget may be, Thai Subsea Services Ltd. has you covered!
Our Contact and Mailing Address:
29/148 Moo 4, Nong Pla Lai,
Bang Lamung, Chonburi,
🖷: +66 33133889
✆: +66 993459494
+66 827920401