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Biofouling Assessments and Niche Cleanings

Does your vessel need a Biofouling Assessment or a “Niche Cleaning”?

Traditional underwater cleaning operations may be carried out for economic reasons, such as reducing drag and fuel consumption. However, to reduce invasive marine species in foreign waters, local authorities may now be requesting proof of an up-to-date Biofouling Management Plan, which includes a log of all previous underwater inspections and cleanings before a ship can enter certain territories.

Currently, Australia, New Zealand, and certain ports in the USA are extremely strict on their regulations, with more regions sure to follow.

Basic hull cleaning jobs may include generalized reporting on the marine growth representations on a given vessel.  However, Biofouling Assessments and “Niche Cleanings” require detailed inspections, cleaning, and reporting to be carried out at a highly specific standard.

Standards for diving contractors have been set by the Ministry of Primary Industry of New Zealand and the Department of Agriculture in Australia. They frequently carry out inspections on arriving vessels, and the penalties can be quite stiff for non-compliance.  


Rest assured, TSS has you covered, conducting countless biofouling assessments and niche cleanings without fail.

What are the “Niche” areas?


As opposed to the obvious smooth surfaces of a vessel hull, like the vertical sides or flat bottom, biofouling (marine growth) tends to accumulate more densely in tighter areas of complex geometries.  These “niche” areas also tend to be overlooked by other service providers as they can be hard to reach and usually out of direct line-of-sight. 

These areas include vessel appendages like the rudder, bulbous bow, bilge keels, and vessel indication markings. It also includes inside sea chest chambers, thruster tunnels, rudder pintle chambers,  discharges, anodes and more! 

What is required?

Comprehensive inspections and reporting methods identifying all types of aquatic bioorganisms present on the vessel, accompanied by an extensive media archive, are a must.

After a proper assessment is completed, underwater cleaning operations must be thorough enough to pass a potential inspection at the vessel’s next port of call.

Proof of total biofouling removal after cleaning operations is again required, with a comprehensive inspection and further reporting.

Why choose us?


Thai Subsea Services is the leading underwater service provider in the nation.

We keep up-to-date on all the lastest biofouling standards from around the world and operate in full compliance with their official cleaning standards.

We have gained acknowledgment of our company practices from multiple governing bodies.

Don’t take the risk, let TSS ensure your smooth arrival.

Book our dive team today